Our Governors



Names & roles of Evelina Hospital School Governors 2024-2025


Name Category of Governor Role
Piers Young Co-opted Governor Chair of Governors

Resources Committee

Amanda Taylor Co-opted Governor Vice Chair of Governors

Resources Committee

Kulwant Hothi Co-opted Governor Pastoral and Curriculum Committee
Anne Hamilton MBE Ex-officio


Resources Committee
Dawn Hill CBE Co-opted Governor Chair of Resources Committee
Chaminda Stanislaus Co-opted Governor Resources Committee
Claire Bond Staff Governor Pastoral and Curriculum Committee
Vacant Parent Governor Pastoral and Curriculum Committee
Filippos Papadopoulos Co-opted Governor Resources Committee
Lucy Goodwin Co-opted Governor Chair of Pastoral and Curriculum Committee
Sarah Williams LA Governor Pastoral and Curriculum Committee
Yuyang Cao Co-opted Governor Resources Committee
Laura Perrett Associate Member

Deputy Headteacher

Pastoral and Curriculum Committee

Roles of Governors and Register of Business Interests

Attendance 2023-2024




More information about being a school governor can be found on Southwark Council’s website.