The Story Spinner

Pupils at Evelina Hospital School have been bewitched this term by the storytelling magic of Phil McDermott. The school has been lucky enough to draw on Phil’s services following a generous charitable donation from Southwark News, allowing storytelling to take place in the school and on the wards once a week for this school year.

Phil has many years of experience working in schools across London and the world promoting the importance of oracy as a route to literacy. Children and young people at every stage of their development benefit from his riveting and spontaneous performances and we have seen some excellent pieces of work come from this exciting stimulus. In his own words he ‘wants to help children learn by feeding their ever-hungry imaginations with exhilarating tales of wonder, excitement and adventure.’

To see more stories from Phil, visit his website here and contact the Evelina school office for a log in to enjoy his stories at home.