Singing and Signing Fun!

Evelina Hospital School is excited to be working with the amazing Suzanne and Tracy of Singing Hands team this year. One Friday a fortnight the Singing Hands fly in to teach and entertain the pupils with signed songs, stories, rhymes and games. The sessions are especially appealing for our younger children, those who are new to English and those with difficulties communicating in speech, but teachers and parents are always keen to join in too.

Suzanne and Tracy co-founded Singing Hands in 2002 after learning Makaton to communicate with their own children. Their mission to bring inclusive communication strategies to families and child care settings has been a roaring success. They have worked with the BBC on episodes of Tikka Billa and Something Special, so many children in the hospital are already mini-experts.

Staff in school are making the most of the expertise of the Singing Hands team by running our own Singing Hands club at lunchtimes where we practice popular songs and nursery rhymes using the DVDS.

If you want to find out more about their work, here’s a link to their great website.