Primary Home Learning


Minecraft code
Minecraft Hour of Code tutorials.

Hour of code
Try a one hour tutorial for all ages.

Take a break code
Weekly challenges to engage students of all abilities, even those without computers.

Learning Computer Science
Learning computer science when schools are closed.



Story time with Oliver Jeffers
Stay at home story time

Books for younger children
Lots of lovely interactive books to read online or to watch with signing for younger children from the Book Trust.

The World of David Walliams
Every day at 11am you can hear one of David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children stories.

Creative reading activities
Creative reading activities

CBeebies bedtime stories
CBeebies bedtime stories

Free Audible audio books – For as long as schools are closed, we’re open. Children everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids

Audio books with Scholastic
Free audio books and why you should try them – for children and parents.

The Story Emporium
Within every oral tale is the seed of a written story.


Childline’s calm zone
There are lots of way to feel calmer. It’s about finding what works for you. Try some of our breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help let go of stress.

Indoor fun
Here is a great way to keep yourself and your family occupied during these uncertain times. Make staying indoors fun and use the time to help yourself and others.

Classroom Resources

Home learning resources
Classroom secrets – Classroom secrets have added a free learning home resource pack for each year group.

Twinkl are offering parents of children in schools which are closed, or facing closure, free access to all Twinkl resources for a period of one month.

Go to , register and enter the code CVDTWINKLHELPS to find fantastic games and resources for continued learning at home.

Lockdown life-savers
Lockdown life-savers



Games and Quizzes with National Geographic
Cool kids games and quizzes that will test your skill and cunning, prepare for a challenge, gang!

Multi-topic fun activities

Non-screen activites
Simple and fun non-screen activities that children can do at home.

Videos for curious minds
Smart videos for curious minds of all ages for curious minds of all ages.

Visit the World’s museums
Virtually visit the World’s museums.

Fun activities to do at home
Fun activities to do at home

BBC Bitesize
Learn and revise with BBC Bitesize.


Museum links
If you are taking GCSE art, you might be interested in looking at the various museum websites.

Drawing with Rob Biddulph
Draw along with Rob Biddulph

Activities with Jane Porter
Lots to draw and colour, as well as games, things to make and play with, and even an origami peacock.

BBC Bitesize Art and Design
Learn and revise with BBC Bitesize.

YouTube Cartoon
Cartoon character design for beginners.

Tate Kids
Explore art and artists with Tate’s activities, games and quizzes.


Maths with Carol Vordeman
National Curriculum Maths for children 4-12. Making Maths fun for every child, with Carol Vordeman.

BBC Maths challenges 
BBC Maths challenges

Wild Maths callenges
Collection of mathematical games, activities and stories, encouraging you to think creatively.

NRich Maths challenges
The NRICH Project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners.


Joe Wicks daily workout
Joe Wicks’ daily workout – try it every day!

CBeebies sports
Join in and get sporty with CBeebies. Discover clips, activities and makes to get active and get inspired with your favourite CBeebies shows.

BBC Bitesize revision KS1
KS1 Bitesize clips and content to revise for your PE lessons.

BBC Bitesize revision KS2
KS2 Bitesize clips and content to revise for your PE lessons.

BBC Sport Quizzes
Home of the best quizzes, interviews with famous stars and top tips from the world of sport

10 Minute Shake Up
10 Minute Shake Up games to keep you moving.


BBC Bitesize Easter
Can you discover more about the most important festival in the Christian calendar?

BBC Bitesize Easter
Interactive Game- Can you put the days of the Holy week in order?

BBC Bitesize Islam
The Islamic Story of The Prophet and the Ants and The Crying Camel

BBC Bitesize Judaism
What is Judaism?


Kidzania job quiz
Find out what career you will have by taking the Job quiz today.

Stem Works
Find out what career you will have by taking the Job quiz today.